

SME lending is plagued by a massive credit demand and supply mismatch. Lenders don't have the right kind of data to quickly evaluate SMEs for credit. To get a loan the traditional way, SMEs are required to physically go to the financial institution with a host of documents and fill several forms.


FinBit provides a easy way to gather financial data from SME customers. Data is collated from multiple sources such as bank and financial statements, tax, invoices etc. to arrive at a holistic data set which can be leveraged by lenders to provide instant credit decisions.


Credit Insight

FinBit derives insight from customer financial data which can be used to provide instant credit decision

Financial Obligations

Insight into financial obligations of the borrower

Wide coverage

Insight derived from multiple sources such as bank statements, GST and ITR



Select a Financial Institution

Consumers can select their financial insitution from the popular sites list or by searching based on a keyword

Verify Login Information

Consumers can provide the site login credentials. If required consumers are asked to provide additional authentication input.

Viewing Accounts

The details of accounts gathered are displayed. Consumers may choose to add other accounts.